Monday, October 22, 2007

The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint

This was a very unusual and different reading than I had anticipated. This dealt a lot more with a strong critique of the softwares' failings and use as a propaganda tool, rather than a tool for the better. My first and most important question was that if PowerPoint is being used as a tool of deception, and that there are other tools for these various jobs, why doesn't someone create a software that can contain and control the use of multiple tools. The main concern for this would be, for example, when NASA was presented with technical information via PowerPoint. Columbia's credibility was lost because they did not use a technical report. I wonder if there could be some sort of software that could manipulate a few various key tools to do everything from a simple PowerPoint presentation, to something as complex as a technical report. My other question becomes, when and where did PowerPoint move from being a tool to help organize and present information, into being this tool of deception? It also mentions Harvard's School of Public Health's presentation of PowerPoint tips, it was mentioned that the presentation was quite weak, making poor graphs and showing data in a poor way. I wonder if PowerPoint just needs to get a strong upgrade, because it is shown that it can lose credibility, but never once was it mentioned that PowerPoint was used to gain credibilty.

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